Sunday, 30 June 2013

Create Your Own URL Shortener With "YOURLS"

Create Your Own URL Shortener With "YOURLS"

* What is Yourls

YOURLS stands for Your Own URL Shortener. It is a small set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL or bitly).

Running your own URL shortener is fun, geeky and useful: you own your data and don't depend on third party services. It's also a great way to add branding to your short URLs, instead of using the same public URL shortener everyone uses.

Ok Lets Start the Tutorials,...

Create Your Own URL Shortener With "YOURLS" in Action - YouTube


1. You must have domain hosting for "URL Shortener"
Or you can sign up on IdHostinger

2. Download YOURLS from Github
In here I used the latest realease

3. Setup your domain hosting and Go Database management, create new database
Example :

4. Import / Setup Website template with file


1. After finish install / import Yourls, Go to File Manager >> Folder "User"
Example :

2. Duplicate , Rename and Edit file config.php
Settings as

/** MySQL database username */
define( 'YOURLS_DB_USER', 'your db user name' );

/** MySQL database password */
define( 'YOURLS_DB_PASS', 'your db password' );

/** The name of the database for YOURLS */
define( 'YOURLS_DB_NAME', 'yourls' );

/** MySQL hostname.
** If using a non standard port, specify it like 'hostname:port', eg. 'localhost:9999' or '' */
define( 'YOURLS_DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

/** MySQL tables prefix */
define( 'YOURLS_DB_PREFIX', 'yourls_' );

** If you define it to "", don't use "" in your browser (and vice-versa) */
define( 'YOURLS_SITE', '' );

3. And then Go to your domain name "/admin" , setup Yourls domain

Wait for installing complete ,,..
Thats the and of tutorial, Create Your Own URL Shortener With "YOURLS"
You can test it,. Simple

Thank You ^__^
Must Read :