Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 April 2018

BlogViewer Tool - Boost your blog pageviews and increase adsense impressions

BlogViewer Tool
is Android application that can help your blog to reach pageviews target each post or random and if Adsense working for you it's very best options to increase impressions.


  • Fast Boosting
  • IP Address Details
  • Automatic Backup|Restore Settings
  • Automatic Clear Cache App
  • Custom Settings

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Speed up your Eclipse IDE

When we use the Eclipse was heavy due to the performance of the laptop rather large memory usage. To reduce memory usage and make-eclipse eclipse faster, here are effective methods what I was try :

* Clean up history and indexes
* Remove structured text validation
* Do not use subclipse plugin
* Configure appropriate start-up arguments

1. Clean up history and indexes

Cleaning up history and indexes reduce the load on RAM, and overall HDD usage as well. This result in very high impact on performance. To remove the indexes and history folders, please cleanup all files/folders inside these two folders:

For cleaning up indexes

{workspace path}\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core

For cleaning up history

{workspace path}\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.history

Here {workspace path} is the path of eclipse workspace where you create all projects.
Please note that deleting the files from above both folders does not impact any of your project sourcecode in any way.

2. Remove structured text validation

This one also makes a lot of impact. Validation here is necessarily means multiple things eclipse do with your sourcecode files in background to check their validity. These are sometimes very much un-necessary and annoying too. I have worked on some projects consisting of lots of XML/XSLT and WSDL files, and some of these files always showing some red flags. But they created any problem in runtime, and in fact most of time, if was actually correct way to do things as well.

You can turn off these validations (for all types which you feel un-necessary) and enjoy a performing eclipse.

To turn off these text validations, open Windows > Preferences and in search bar type “validation”. It will list down all files types and applied validations on them. Disable whichever you feel un-necessary. And click OK.

3. Do not use subclipse plugin

This technique is really effective but hard to follow. It says that you should use your code in eclipse only for writing/modifying and executing. All other things related to SVN/perforce or any code repository should be done outside eclipse. This can be from a command line tool or any visual client.

Subversion plugin uses too much system resources and effects eclipse performance badly.

4. Configure appropriate start-up arguments

In your eclipse.ini file (inside eclipse installation folder) change the default -Xms40m -Xmx256m arguments as per your needs. This option defines the minimum and maximum memory usage bounds which are passed to java virtual memory to manage eclipse application’s memory allocation tolerance. You should not set them to maximum available because you need other softwares to run in parallel.

My sample config :


You can use -Xquickstart for initial compilation at a lower optimization level than in default mode. Later, depending on sampling results, you can recompile to the level of the initial compile in default mode. Use -Xquickstart for applications where early moderate speed is more important than long run throughput. In some debug scenarios, test harnesses and short-running tools, you can improve startup time between 15-20%.

You can use -Xverify:none if you want to skip the class verification stage during class loading . Using -Xverify:none disables Java class verification, which can provide a 10-15% improvement in startup time. However corrupted or invalid class data is not detected when this option is specified. If corrupt class data is loaded, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) might behave in an unexpected manner, or the JVM might fail. But this can only happen, when you are making byte code modifications youself.

-server | -client
Java HotSpot Technology in the Sun-based Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.4.2 introduces an adaptive JVM containing algorithms for optimizing byte code execution over time. The JVM runs in two modes, -server and -client. If you use the default -client mode, there will be a faster start-up time and a smaller memory footprint, but lower extended performance. You can enhance performance by using -server mode if a sufficient amount of time is allowed for the HotSpot JVM to warm up by performing continuous execution of byte code. In most cases, use -server mode, which produces more efficient run-time execution over extended periods. You can monitor the process size and the server startup time to check the difference between -client and -server.

Ok that all the tips
Thank You 'How To Do In Java'

Tuesday, 21 May 2013



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Friday, 17 May 2013

Install JDK and Eclipse

Get the Android SDK

Eclipse is just one of the numerous script editing applications for developing java programs and allows students to write and compile java code and execute programs.

First Way..
  1. Visit the Java downloads page on Oracle's website to find the JDK environment download. Here..
  2. Once you have selected download, accept the terms of service and choose the correct OS corresponding for the specific JDK. (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.)
  3. Install Java SE Development Kit
  4. When the installation is finished, we will begin to the installation of Eclipse. Go to


Second way
How to build android application you can use ADT bundle.

The Android SDK provides the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android.
Download the ADT Bundle to quickly start developing apps. It includes the essential Android SDK components and a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools) to streamline your Android app development.

With a single download, the Eclipse ADT bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps:

  • Eclipse + ADT plugin
  • Android SDK Tools
  • Android Platform-tools
  • A version of the Android platform
  • A version of the Android system image for the emulator

Just visit this link and Download Eclipse ADT bundle

More reference about How to Download, Install, and Run JDK and Eclipse

Thank You

Friday, 22 March 2013

How to Configure Control your PC with Unified Remote

If before I share and explain about Unified Remote , Now I want to give your tips How to Configure Control your PC with Unified Remote . It will be add more percentage of your presentation . Before I begin the steps, read a little excerpt below ^_^ .

What is Unified Remote

Unified Remote is an app that lets you control your entire Windows computer from your Android device. In short, it turns your device into a WiFi or Bluetooth remote control for all the programs on your computer. It is easily the most feature-filled PC remote available. With our app you can control a wide range of applications, including simple mouse and keyboard, media players, and other external hardware that can be connected to your computer. Check out our hardware section for a list of officially support hardware extensions. We also provide extensive capabilities for users to create their own custom remotes for their needs.
Unified Remote Client App

The client app runs on your device. Currently we support Android and Windows Phone. We aim to release apps for even more platforms in the future, such as iPhone, Windows 8, HTML5/JS.
Unified Remote Server App

The server application runs on your computer. Currently we only support Windows. We are currently working on a new server, which will be compatible on Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Ok, if you finish read that information.... Let’s check it out..
  1. Configure on your PC
  • Download and Install Unified Remote for PC
Installer : Official | Dropbox | Google Drive

Screenshot of Configuration:

* on right picture that's show the ip address of WiFi connection with WiFi Hotspot my Android
Wifi Connection

  1. Configure on Android
Download from this post >> Control your PC with Unified Remote for Windows Phone and Android
  • Turn on | Create | : Tethering & portable hotspot

And then connect your pc with WiFi Hotspot from Android, see picture 'Wifi Connection'
2. Configure Unified Remote on Android

* Go to 'Server' - Select Automatic search
if if the client PC is not detect : Choose - manual and create configuration like on image.
"equate the ip from your PC to Unified Remote Android and password from wifi"

* Go to 'Remotes' - Select the 'Server' name that you have to Connect

Thats all How to Configure Control your PC with Unified Remote ^_^
Thank You

Note :
Buy the full version of Unified Remote and you’re getting access to more functions and apps to control. You’ll get things like custom remotes, Hulu desktop controller, Hulu web controller, Netflix support, XBMC support and so, so much more.

Control your PC with Unified Remote for Windows Phone and Android

PC remotes are pretty useful apps for smartphones.PC Remotes are apps that allow you to use your smartphone to control your PC. Unified Remote is a popular one on Windows Phone and Android. Turns your Android device into a WiFi or Bluetooth universal remote control for your Windows PC. Control your favorite programs, mouse, and keyboard..


(How to Configure Control your PC with Unified Remote)

Unified Remote Features << for more Information

Features Free Version Full Version
Automatic server detection
Server password protection
256-bit AES encryption
Custom/System keyboard support
Single/Multi touch mouse
Hardware volume control
Quick Switch
Quickly change servers
Auto-pause media for phone calls
Homescreen shortcuts to remotes
Wake On LAN
Light and Dark theme
18 free remotes
30+ full remotes
Custom Remotes
Voice Commands
NFC Actions
NFC & URI Writer
Samsung Multi Window
Quick Actions

What is New on 'Dropbox & Google Drive link'
Note: If widget icons disappear, just move your widget to force it to re-draw.
  • Fixed grid layout
  • Fixed crashes/bugs

Download Unified Remote v2.12.2 (Apk)

* Android : | Official | Dropbox | Google Drive

Download Unified Remote v3.0.23 (Apk) - New
