How to Determine if 64bit or 32bit OS Version
There are a lot of ways to Get Windows Architecture in .NET, the .NET Framework v4.0 already has this method on their libraries, but many people still are using previous versions (as v3.5 or v2.0).
For .NET v4.0 or higher, it is really simple, just call...
Showing posts with label OpenSource. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OpenSource. Show all posts
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Monday, 8 April 2013
Passing Value Between Form in Csharp (C#) and VB.Net
Passing Value Between Form in Csharp (C#) and VB.Net
In C# and, there are many situations the new programmers face the same problem about how to pass data and values from one form to another. We can pass values from one form to another in a number of ways. Here you can see one of the easiest...